Brighid Crosses Brighid, Brigantia, Bride - pronounced 'Breed', or Bridey, is the Goddess associated with Imbolc, which literally means 'in the belly' referring to an early pregnancy, that is just showing, and it is true that at this time many breeds of ewes are about to give birth to their new lambs. Brighid is the Celtic Goddess of fire, blacksmiths, poetry, the hearth, spring, and healing, and she was so much loved that even the Christians, or Catholics, to be more specific, made her into a Saint and call this time Candlemas. Imbolc is celebrated around 1st -2nd February, just as faint stirrings of new life are beginning in nature. Daylight is noticeably longer than it was a few weeks ago too. Her symbol is the Brighid's Cross, and we have them in Traditional Irish reed, resin or made from fallen twigs, and upcycled wool. Hang a cross above your door or fireplace to protect your home and honour this Goddess. Say a blessing such as, "Welcome Bridey, Welcome Maiden, Goddess of Spring, as we welcome the light once more, please bless my hearth and home. So mote it be." It was customary to leave the Goddess a small offering of cakes and milk, as a thank you.I have harvested fallen twigs from the trees of the Celtic Ogham at Avalon, Glastonbury and have made them into Brighid Crosses for Imbolc 2024.
Price: £2.99
Brighid Cross, Hawthorn, small white. Hand-made from fallen, dried twigs, collected from th...
Price: £3.50
Brighid Cross, Hawthorn, Medium, white. Medium Brighid Cross, 16cm long, and hand-made made...
Price: £3.50
Brighid Cross, Large, Rustic. Large, rustic Brighid Cross for Imbolc, 8" in width and made ...
Price: £4.50
Brighid Cross, Blue, White, green. Made from up-cycled wool and driftwood, 8" Brighid Cross
Price: £4.50
Brighid Cross, Pink/Brown. Handmade brown and pink Brighid's Cross, 8" wide.
Price: £4.50
Brighid Cross, blue and orange. Blue and orange Brighid's Cross, 8" wide.
Price: £4.50
Brighid Cross, mauve and pink. Mauve and Pink Brighid's Cross, 8" wide.
Price: £4.50
Brighid Cross, mauve, yellow, green. Mauve, yellow and green Brighid's Cross, 8" wide.
Price: £4.50
Brighid Cross, Light and dark green. Light and dark green Brighid's Cross, 8" wide.
Price: £4.50
Brighid Cross, white and green. White and green Brighid's Cross, 8" wide.
Price: £6.50
Brighid Cross, Silver. Silver, black Brighid Cross, from Ireland, measuring 4" in length, a...
Price: £3.50
Brighid Cross, Alder, green. Hand-made from dried, fallen Alder twigs and up-cycled wool.&n...
Price: £2.99
Brighid Cross, Ash, mauve. Small, Brighid Cross, hand-made from harvested, fallen Ash twigs...
Price: £2.50
Brighid Cross, Beech, yellow. Hand-made Brighid Cross, from harvested, collected dried Beec...
Price: £2.50
Brighid Cross, Willow, Blue. Blue Brighid Cross, from fallen, dried Willow twigs. Willow in...
Price: £3.50
Brighid Cross, Small, Orange/White. Orange and white, small, 4" Brighid Cross, made from fa...
Price: £4.50
Brighid Cross, Large, Traditional. Made from reeds, measures 25cm in diameter, traditional ...
Price: £4.99
Brighid's Cross, Large Green Reed. Traditional Brighid's Cross, made from Irish reeds...
Price: £9.99
Imbolc Wreath. Hand-made Imbolc wreath with a large, traditional reed Brighid's Cross, arti...