Loose Blend Incense, Sticks & Cones Here you will find loose blend incense, incense cones, and boxed incense sticks. I make up my own blends of loose incense before each Wheel of the year Sabbat, or for use as a Ritual offering to a particular Deity. We use our own home-grown, harvested and dried herbs, which are mixed with oils and resins and blessed within a Sacred Space. I also have clearing and protection blends for Wiccan Ritual & Magickal Workings.You can also find boxes of incense Sticks, which I have decided to sell in packs of 3 boxes, as with postage being so expensive, one box is not economically viable through the post. If you do not want 3 the same, message me at checkout or paypal, and let me know what combination you would prefer.
Price: £5.99
Herne the Hunter, loose blend incense, for use with charcoal block, for when you want to make an ...
Price: £4.00
Incense cones, Sandalwood 15 cones approx
Price: £6.00
Loose Blend Incense, Beltane. A mix of floral, herbal, woody and sensual and composed of herbs, o...
Price: £3.50
White Sage Backflow Cones. Purifying white sage incense cones, pack of 12, for use with Bac...
Price: £4.00
Incense Cones, Coconut scent. Pack of 15 cones,supplied in a paper bag and sent out plastic...
Price: £5.99
Loose Blend Incense, House Blessing. Moved house? This incense made from the finest, organi...
Price: £5.99
Loose, Blend Incense, Imbolc. A hand-made blend of organic herbs and resins, an incense, to...
Price: £5.99
Loose Blend Incense, Goddess Cerridwen. A hand-made blend of incense, made from fines...
Price: £5.99
Loose Blend Incense, Ostara. A blend of suitable barks, herbs, flowers, resins and fl...
Price: £5.99
SOLD OUT. Loose Blend incense for the Autumn Equinox, also called the Sabbat of Mabon. This...
Price: £3.50
Incense Cones, Patchouli Scent. Approx 14 cones and an unmistakable scent.
Price: £3.00
Incense Cones, Jasmine Scent. Approx 14 cones in a bag, sweetly seductive Jasmine,
Price: £4.50
Incense Cones, Strawberry. Approx. 14 strawberry scent incense cones.
Price: £4.00
Incense Cones, Midnight Rose. 15 Incense cones, Midnight Rose, seductive scent.
Price: £5.99
Loose Blend Incense, Clearing. A Blend of powerful herbs and resins to clear stale or negat...
Price: £5.99
Loose Blend Incense, Samhain. A Blend of herbs, dried pumpkin pieces, oils, and resins for ...
Price: £5.99
Loose Blend Incense, Mid-Winter Solstice. Our own special blend of herbs, fruits, spices, o...
Price: £5.99
Loose Blend Incense, Mid-Summer Solstice. For this Sabbat, also called Litha, we have made ...
Price: £3.00
SOLD OUT Pack of charcoal blocks for burning loose incense and resins
Price: £4.00
Dragons Blood Incense Cones, loose, 15, rich intoxicating scent.
Price: £4.00
Lavender Incense cones, 15, and lovely scent.
Price: £8.50
Loose Blend Incense, Abremelin. Approx 25g. Abremelin is a very powerful incense blen...
Price: £3.50
Incense Cones, Musk. Approx 15 beautiful musk scent incense cones.
Price: £2.99
Small bag of sweetly scented violet incense cones.
Price: £4.00
Re-sealable pouch of beautiful peach and mango incense cones.
Price: £4.00
Bag of approx 15 incense cones with lemon scent.
Price: £4.00
Approx 15 incense cones with rich vanilla scent
Price: £6.99
Blue Corn, Medicine Wheel Incense. Re-sealable pouch of loose Blue Corn perfect for Shamani...
Price: £5.99
Loose Blend Incense, Goddess Artemis. A Beautiful blend of resins and herbs, sacred to Godd...
Price: £5.99
Loose Blend Incense, Altar. A Blend of herbs and resins suitable for blessing the Altar and...
Price: £5.99
Loose Blend Incense, Calming. A Blend of gentle herbs and resins for calming the energies d...
Price: £5.99
Loose Blend Incense, Horned God, Cernunnos. An Aromatic, earthy herbs, oils and resin...
Price: £5.99
Loose Blend Incense, Green Man. Incense Suitable for all Green Man honouring and Rituals, a...
Price: £5.99
Loose Blend Incense, Goddess Hecate. A Suitable blend of resins and herbs for honouring and...
Price: £5.99
Loose Blend Incense, Medicine Wheel. A blend of herbs and resins, for Shamanic purpos...
Price: £3.50
Re-sealable pouch of mystical Tibetan Musk Incense Cones
Price: £3.99
Incense Sticks, Medicine Wheel, Nature's Spirit Prairie Rose. Only the finest North America...
Price: £3.99
SOLD OUT. Incense Sticks, Medicine Wheel, Nature Spirit, Sweetgrass, composed of the finest North...
Price: £3.99
Incense Sticks, Medicine Wheel, Nature's Spirit, Cedar, composed only of the finest herbs and res...
Price: £3.99
Incense Sticks, Medicine Wheel, Nature's Spirit, Blue Corn Flower. Composed only of the fin...
Price: £3.99
Incense Ticks, Medicine Wheel, Buffalo, Abundance. Totem Spirit Incense Sticks.
Price: £3.99
Incense Sticks, Medicine Wheel, Eagle, Courage. Totem Spirit Incense Sticks.
Price: £3.99
Incense Sticks, Medicine Wheel, Bear, Truth. Totem Spirit Incense Sticks.
Price: £3.99
Incense Sticks, Medicine Wheel, Wolf, Teaching. Totem Spirit Incense Sticks.
Price: £5.00
3 boxes, Green Man incense sricks
Price: £5.00
3 boxes Nag Patchouli incense Sticks.
Price: £5.00
3 boxes of Fairy Dreams incense sticks
Price: £5.00
3 boxes of Unicorns Grace incense sticks
Price: £5.00
3 boxes of White Sage incense sticks
Price: £5.00
3 boxes of Tree of Life Incense sticks
Price: £5.00
3 boxes of Dragons Blood incense sticks
Price: £5.00
Box of 3, Spirit Guides incense Sticks.
Price: £5.00
3 boxes of Zen Meditation incense Sticks.
Price: £5.00
3 boxes of Frankincense incense Sticks.
Price: £5.00
3 boxes Full Moon incense Sticks.
Price: £5.00
3 boxes of Golden Nag Champa incense sticks
Price: £5.00
3 boxes of Luck spell Incense sticks
Price: £5.00
3 boxes of Black Magic Incense Sticks
Price: £5.00
3 boxes of Confidence Spell incense sticks
Price: £5.00
3 boxes of Sirens incense sticks
Price: £5.00
3 boxes of Sandalwood incense Sticks.
Price: £5.00
3 boxes of Rain Forest incense Sticks.
Price: £5.00
3 boxes of Egyptian Musk incense sticks
Price: £5.00
3 boxes of Sensuality Incense Sticks.
Price: £5.00
3 boxes of Enlightenment incense sticks
Price: £5.00
3 boxes of Positive Vibes Incense Sticks
Price: £5.00
3 boxes of Fairy Mist Incense sticks
Price: £5.00
3 boxes of Meditation Incense Sticks.
Price: £5.00
3 boxes of Satya Patchouli Incense sticks
Price: £5.00
3 boxes of Satya Meditation incense sticks
Price: £5.00
3 boxes of Mermaids Love incense sticks
Price: £4.99
Palo Santo Incense Chips. Approx 22g re-sealable pouch of Palo Santo chips, very economical...