Celtric Tree Ogham Cards The Celtic Tree Ogham, sets of beautiful greetings cards, each set depicting a tree or shrub, sacred to the Druids and forming an alphabet known as the Ogham. In ancient times our Celtic Druid ancestors devised a system, part alphabet, part calendar, perhaps, although this is not clear, however, the symbols of each tree could be carved, using simple notches onto wood or stone. Each character was a number and a letter. The consonants were time periods, mostly lunar months and the vowels were solstices or equinoxes. Each symbol represents a tree or shrub, around which gree an extensive mythology, recording stories, the uses of each tree both for crafts, medicine and divination. To the Celts the trees held wisdom. Each one has it's own magickal healing properties and The Birch is the first of the trees of the Ogham, and can be the beginning of your own personal journey through trees! Price: £3.99
Elder is from 25th November, until 22nd December, and symbolises transformation, renewal, r...
Price: £3.99
Yew is from the time of the Midwinter Solstice and symbolises death and rebirth, transformation,&...
Price: £3.99
Blackthorn rules the dark half of the year, from Samhain to Beltane. The cards are bl...
Price: £3.99
Apple rules the light half of the year from Beltane to Samhain. The cards are blank inside ...
Price: £3.99
Birch is the first tree and runs from 24th December to 20th January. Birch stands for new b...
Price: £3.99
Rowan runs from21st January until 17th February and symbolises protection, intuition, visions, di...
Price: £3.99
Ash is from 18th February until 17th March, and symbolises universal truth, healing the inner chi...
Price: £3.99
Alder is from 18th March until 14th April, and symbolises spiritual protection, new challen...
Price: £3.99
Willow runs from 15th April to 12th May and symbolises the unconscious, expressed emotions, ...
Price: £3.99
Hawthorn runs from 13th May until 9th June, and symbolises love, the heart, cleansing, protection...
Price: £3.99
Oak runs from 10th June to 7th July, and symbolises inner strength, endurance, courage, and deter...
Price: £3.99
Holly runs from 8th July until 4th August, and symbolises strength, protection, balance, un...
Price: £3.99
Ha zel is from 5th August to 1st September, and symbolises divination, visions, intuition,&...
Price: £3.99
Wheatstraw is from 28th October until 24th November, and symbolises the symbol of Kingship, and t...